Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Lord Valentine's Castle

My prejudice against epics is strong. The reasons I even picked up this epic of fantasy/sci-fi (yes it's both, no, don't scoff):
  • It and the next book in the series were 50 cents each
  • I'd just read (and enjoyed) a short story by Robert Silverberg, set in this world (Majipoor)
  • That story had reminded me of how much I'd enjoyed reading this book the first time, nearly 20 years ago, before I'd formed my epic prejudice (pun intended =D)
Now most epics turn me cold. I'm not sure what it is, probably because it's becoming clichéd. This story never irritated me though, I think because the quest came naturally, as a part of the characters' development. It wasn't forced on them from outside by say, a wizard or *shudders* a prophecy.

It is still an epic, with all the travels, travails, and overreaching themes, that entails. Majipoor's size and diversity is what makes a futuristic epic and travel story possible. With chances to meet rich and varied characters and peoples.

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